Monday, February 27, 2006 1:44 PM
im literally gg crazy frm cip.
and its so.. inhuman laaa.
as in veri virtual.
at least im coming to the health and dunno wad shit part le.
at least more common sense.
otherwise the ones in front are..
asking u to memorise smth u dun even understand.
and to make tings worse.
my eyes can barely open.
result of being woken up b4 9
to go tiong bahru to eat.
oh mannnnnn.
goooooood lucks everyone. =)
Sunday, February 26, 2006 1:58 PM
finished the hotel riviera.
veri long nv stop reading a book and finish it within a day liaos.
and i sitll tink im a little off,
reading during exam period. heh.
and didnt realli revise much today.
cip sooo dry lahs
ob oso easier to study. hais.
and bstats..
and its fixed, grandpa and ma are coming over nxt sat
oh well..
a yr.. =X
gonna go tiong bahru again tml morning.
and should i watch november later.
didnt noe chnl 5 has such nice shows on sat nites,
till 2 weeks ago?? heh. becos its feb.
Saturday, February 25, 2006 3:10 PM
todays paper was well.. not veri good. Should be able to pass, but dun tink can pass veri well ba.went upstairs and meet tan eng after tt, wif mw, beng, th, fion, thea, wen song and his fren. I tot I was already quite sure, but go up hear tan eng talk then become not sure. Hais. cos she say if not sure then better stay in bs. And now in conclusion, its PRESTIGE VS WANTING TO TRY SMTH NEW. hais. irritating and dad was telling me slp on it and let ur subconscious mind tink abt it, wake up if got ans, tts it. I was like -_- if only its so easy la. =X. anw, went swensons @ wm after paper, was waiting for 61 for so long la. haha in the end thea didn’t come wif us. Tsk. Haha. food was nice and so is the ice cream, duh. then tsehwee went for her hair cut and me and fion went library. And compared miec answers and read and tok. Hehe. =) after tsehwee came, stayed till abt 0430 then left for home, in the end didn’t study bstats sia, make me feel stupid for lugging the tb. And for dinner went baystreet, so today can say is a good food day. hehe.

`sorry brother, its jus to cute. lol.

`tsehwee's greens.

`yum!! =)

`oooh, longggg.

`i find it.. erms artistic. or trying to be.



kiss u goodbyee.
Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:12 PM
made up my mind.
gonna submit the form on fri. =))
cos if i were to stay on in bs, i would take hr.
and it would, well. be a safe job and all.
but i was tinking of i dun make it to hr for watever reasons,
i wont wana take the other specialisations le lohh.
yea, so.. im not gg to tink abt it..
i needa study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anw, thans for those who hav given me advice,
either thru msn (bryan and zj), or psychoing like tsehwee. hahaha.
and mw.. glad u made up ur mind and got ENLIGHTENED!! lol
ok. bstats time. and tml look thru miec for the last time.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:06 PM
xhais. dunno y these two days suddenly i 'felt' the hse. like for the first time i move in for the past 5 yrs, i truly go and look arnd and aiya dunno howta say la. damn weird.
and now im like.. tinking hard whether wana go trm anot. and i hate tis feeling of being undecided!! roar. hate it to the core. tink so much oso cant come to a conclusion one. and tan eng haven reply. =X hais.
Monday, February 20, 2006 9:09 PM
我们勾勾手如果遇见更好的人一定要更坚强勇敢去追求我们勾勾手 要比谁都快乐都丢进成长的黑洞尘封一定更坚强把爱勇敢追求----
1802 (sat)wahh, these few days sad sia!! today cried again when I read ame’s blog. I mean, the tag la. mw went and tag at my, ame and th’s blog ma. Hais.
Damn sad can. I read le cry la. stupid brother. And I asked gaston last nite then he say if the other modules our timing dun clash then should be the same cls loh. I WISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I WISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WIF MY WHOLE WHOLE HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =’( Hais. and I was chatting wif zz last nite say dowan to cry, then I say him heartless. Stupid pzz, at least mw more got heart. Hais. but wat he tag at ame there really quite sad la, can imagine him saying I promise seriously. CRYYYYYYYY was tinking like so many tings occupying my mind’s space, no wonder I cant concentrate on studying. Grandpa and ma coming, cls splitting and ppl leaving. Ranking: cls, leaving and grandparents. It sux to the core. But its damn sad la. then cls splitting when we are like getting to be close. Like ystd gg to hav bangla food tgt, 10 ppl sias. And I hope everyone to stay for the whole 4D3N!!!!!!!!! I mean, I noe in the end when we really split (CHOY!!!!!!!) we wont be tt bad as in wont talk all tt like Stephen said. But I noe we will surely su yuan, like duh. and cls would be damn boring la!!!!!!!!!! booooooo!!!!!!!!! Y do they have to split us soooo early? And was telling dad abt the trm ting and he was asking me whether I wana go over anot. but like.. dunno la. told him dowan. I mean.. its really to specialized la. if only tings stuck to their original way, and we choose at the end of the second yr. now, we MAY (HOPE NOT) change cls for yr 2 and then change again for yr 3!!!!!! Wtf. I mean I dunno la, I seriously hope like anyting tt we dun split. But in my heart, I noe.. mayb. =X
Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:49 PM
had a tiring but FUN snw today. =) finally played a full game as in the whole time playing la. oh watever. and we GREENSSSSSSS WOOOOOOOOOON. haha! but it was damn fun lahs. =)) took pics too. heh. shall post once christine send me ba.
then met mw, zz, stacy, xx, xueqi, wei xian and walked to hav bangla food. the two noobs so lazy take bus. me and thea wanted to beat them to it and ran. run like hell in the end they dunno wat bus to take then after a few buses then arrive, by all the others all arrive liao loh. noob jiu shi noob. hah. after tt went home. tired. noone wana play bball wif xx or find it wif thea so went home slp los. heh.
oh and rena booked the chalet le!!!! 4D3N. woots!!! hais. i jus hope that only ief and fit diff cls ba. but the trm 3As (ade, ame and althea) would be missed dearly. realli. well it sounds like they died or smth. =X! but.. hais. i wish i wish wif all my heart that we will still go k box, eat and hav chalet!!!!!!!

`didnt noe tis is wats in the middle of the rose

`heh. jasmine's..

`pzz's ice lolly. haha!

`looks abit sick sias.



` the drinks.

Thursday, February 16, 2006 9:38 PM
1402 (tue):finally bloggin abt v day. nth special. was quite sian actually. =X
`tsehwee n meee. at toilet.
while waiting for bstats to start.. was slacking in lib. or at least some of us were. mw n beng were studying for their retests. tooook pics.

`nice rite...


`rena wif the flowers... issit hers??

`fion wif it.. hers??

`nan dao its tsehwee's?!

`mine!!! nahh. (i look positively mad.)

`definitely not wei xian's.

`ITS ALTHEA'S!!!!!!!! =)) haha.

`artistic shot by thea. wif my bag and the flowers at the baq. heh.

`even MORE artistic!! haha.

`=)) at the end of e LAME bstats revison lecture.

`im positively gonna get fat wif fion. hehe.
left the lib at abt 3 plus i tink. to so look for bel. was waiting for her at sp's gate for like 20 mins. hot laaaa! haha. then headed down to orchard and walked around while waiting for the guys.

`mine and bel's. =) ask her drop by drop. so suay tt the cam snapped when there isnt any drop. hahha.

met up wif the guys and gals. at wheelock's nydc. but they later changed their minds and went to the one opp nydc. sux sia. =X or at least their fish and chips isnt nice. =X

`=)) nice background.

`if only its as nice as it looks.
then they headed for swensen's for desert. me and bel wanted to leave. but couldnt. so stayed till 0830 then left for home.

`their choc steamboat. tts wat i call it la. pretty neat.

`bels n mine.

`frm bel's fren. nice of him, considering ive only met him today.
1502 (wed):
today was pretty sad. cos we realised that we had our last tutorial today. and we will not be tgt as a cls nxt yr. damn sad. didnt realli sink in to me till fion was saying all the "i cant"s. like she cant play wif brother, beat zw.. was tinking abt it on the way home and teared. came home cry. and dad announced tt grandpa and ma are coming to stay. for a yr. omg. i dunno y i jus cried. went online and chatted wif jasmine.
my nick: can we meet and cry tgt?
benny: can i join u guys? (smth liddat..)
wz: can i meet too
damn funny la. smiled despite everting. but by then i was feeling much better le. after chatting wif jasmine, stephen. and CV as well.(althou i keep dc-ing -_-) lols!! was discussing the cls chalet ting wif cls too. damn busy. but its like hais. cant say im looking forward to tis one, cos its the last time we are gg to be tgt as a cls. cry.
but anw, thans jas, steph n wz!!!!!!! =))
1602 (thu):had no lessons today, but went to sch anw to STUDY. but me and jas ended up watching bridget jones and notting hill. heh. and chatting wif her jacoooob. hehe. =X die ahh, realli no moooooood to study sias. hais.
Saturday, February 11, 2006 7:39 AM